All About Acne Scars

What are acne scars?

Acne scars develop due to overwhelming inflammation, picking, or manipulation of the lesions. They may vary in form from depressed, pitted or atrophic, elevated, hypertrophic / keloid type, or just flat with textural and color changes (dark or light spots).

Are there certain types of skin that are more prone to acne scars? 

Lighter skinned individuals (Fitzpatrick type 1 or 2) are more prone to pink or red marks while medium skinned (Fitzpatrick 3 or 4) develop more of  dark or brown discoloration. All skin types can develop depressed, atrophic, or elevated, hypertrophic / keloid scars.

How to prevent acne scars?

Get on a personalized skin care regimen to keep your acne under control. Don't pop or pick on pimples and scabs. Picking on scabs will increase the risk of scarring.  Consult with a board-certified dermatologist who knows hows to handle and assess the skin, and give advise on the correct topical products and appropriate treatment. 

What are the best topical products for treating discoloration from acne scars?

Hydroquinone is still the gold standard for lightening dark spots. Other good alternatives to hydroquinone are arbutin, vitamin C, and tretinoin, or retinol. Regardless of skin type, it is also recommended to use sunscreen to minimize redness and hyperpigmentation from acne. 

What are the best treatments for acne scars?

While lotions and potions sometimes get the job done, treating active acne lesions and scarring calls for professional attention. 

Here are some effective HOO Dermatology Treatments for Acne Scars:

LED Blue Light Therapy

This treatment helps reduce C. Acnes on the skin. This procedure only takes 15 minutes /session done twice a week.

Diamond Peel or Power Peel
Diamond Peel and Power Peel both encourage cell turnover and help fade discolorations. This may be done on a weekly basis.

HOO Resuracing Laser Treatment or ND:Yag Lasers
Helps improve and make depressed scars shallower. It will also improve the tone and texture of the surrounding normal skin. Monthly sessions are advisable.

Acne Surgery with Detox

You maybe tempted to pop your own pimple but extractions are best left to the professionals. Depending on the severity of acne, extractions can be done weekly or every 2 weeks.

Microneedling uses minute needles that create small micro channels of injury to stimulate collagen production and improve the appearance of scars. It can also be combined with serums or solutions that speed up healing and better results. 

Dermal Fillers
An option for depressed scars to plump it up, elevate it and stimulate collagen production to beautify the scars. A dermal filler injection can last for 6-12 months.

Chemical Peels
Chemical peels promote cell turnover, enhance healing, reduce pigmentation and discoloration. They can improve skin tone and texture to restore healthy and even complexion. Every 2 weeks is a good interval for doing chemical peels.

Do you have acne or acne scars you would like to address? Consult our board-certified dermatologist for a customized beauty plan. Call our hotline at 0917 576-2326 or book an in-clinic appointment here.