Body Contouring and Tightening Treatments

This is a non-surgical method for body contouring that uses monopolar radiofrequency with the EMW RF Contouring technology to treat undesired fat bulges and cellulite.
HOO Curve is the world's first treatment which helps you build muscle and sculpt your body non-invasively. What is more, it can also be used for an entirely non-invasive buttock-toning treatment. This treatment is based on HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) energy. A single session causes thousands of powerful supramaximal muscle contractions which you cannot achieve by ordinary push ups, bench press, crunches, or sit-ups. The muscle tissue responds by deep remodeling of its inner structure, which results in muscle building and body sculpting. It’s like having an intense workout all in one single, 30-minute lunch-time procedure.
Small amounts of medication and supplements are injected to specific areas of the body. MesoLIPO is recommended for body sculpting - to contour specific undesired pockets of fat. It improves blood flow and dissolves excess fat deposits.