Diet and Acne

Acne or pimples are red bumps that result from the inflammation of the pilosebaceous unit. They develop due to increased sebum production, abnormal hyperkeratinization of hair follicles, proliferation of the bacteria Cutibacterium acnes, and inflammation.

There is evidence that diet plays a role in the development of acne.

The following food or food groups increase inflammation and sebum production therefore these should be avoided or limited to a minimum if you have acne or acne-prone skin:
food groups to avoid when you have acne or acne-prone skin

Instead, consume more of the following food or food groups to prevent or minimize acne:

food groups to consume more of when you have acne
Diet is only one of the factors that contribute to acne.  It is best to combine diet modifications with proper skincare and treatments for better management of acne lesions. Consult a board-certified dermatologist to get a customized acne treatment plan for your unique skin needs.